31 martie, 2012

Cassandra's Claire TMI+ TID Unidentified Snippets

Am gasit pe blogul Mundie Moms fragmente din cele doua serii celebre ale autoarei Cassandra Claire. Aceste fragmente nu apartin cartilor deja publicate,ci viitoarelor carti, iar scriitoarea le posteaza pe tumblr pentru fani. De asemenea, cine vrea poate da click aici si va fi directionat spre contul tumblr al Cassandrei Claire.

1/2012 - She looked at the boy. He was pale as milk, his blue eyes startling against so much white skin and the darkness of his hair and eyelashes. He was long-legged, slender as a willow branch, but strong: a very pretty boy, even to her, who looked at human beings and saw mortality and rot.

1/2012 - But the rest of Jace’s mind is watching the door slam behind her and seeing the final ruin of all his dreams. It was one thing to push it to this point. It is another to let go forever. Because he knows Clary, and if she goes now, she will not ever come back.

1/2012 - To my son,
If you are reading this letter, then I am dead.

1/2012 - “In your eyes, I have always found grace.”

1/2012 - He stopped dead. “Tessa told you?” he said.

1/2012 - his parabatai rune was bleeding

1/2012 - Marry me today.

1/2012 - She slid the gold ring back onto her finger before heading into Jace’s bedroom.

1/31/12- Will’s hand looked brown and sunburnt by contrast, their fingers dovetailed together like piano keys.

2/1/12- He kissed each finger, and with each one of them spoken a word. Five kisses, five words. His last.

2/5/12- “Did you …” He could barely bring himself to ask. “Did you like it?”

“Yeah.” Her voice was husky. “I liked it.”

2/13/12- “In all my previous encounters with Will, he has worn pants.”

2/19/12- “Do you think there’s a chance for him?”
“A chance for who?”
“Will. To be happy.”
“Is there a chance for you to be happy if he isn’t?”

3/2/12- It was one of the things that had made her fall in love with him in the first place: realizing that this scarred, sarcastic boy was gentle with the things he loved.

3/3/12- … laughing together at all the beautiful ruin around them. They were standing suspended in the sea: it couldn’t hurt them, destruction was their element. Clarissa was looking down as she laughed, trailing her moonlight hands in the water. When she lifted up her hands they were dark, dripping: he realized that the seas were all blood.

3/7/12- When you were an angel, what was your name?

Jem leaned closer against the chair, staring into the fire. “Better it were my hands,” he said.
Will shook his head. Exhaustion was muting the edges of everything in the room, blurring the flocked wallpaper into a single mass of dark color. “No. Not your hands. You need your hands for the violin. What do I need mine for?” 

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