Starting over sucks.
When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I'd pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring.... until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up.
And then he opened his mouth.
Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something...unexpected happens.
The hot alien living next door marks me.
You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon's touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I'm getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades.
If I don't kill him first, that is
When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I'd pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring.... until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up.
And then he opened his mouth.
Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something...unexpected happens.
The hot alien living next door marks me.
You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon's touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I'm getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades.
If I don't kill him first, that is

Am citit si eu intr-un
final aceasta carte si sunt…WOW! Inca sunt WOW. Nu stiu de ce dar ma asteptam sa
nu-mi placa asa de tare. Ce-i drept aceasta a fost prima mea carte cu
extraterestrii superbi cu forma umana asa ca poate din cauza asta am fost asa
“Obsidian” spune povestea lui Katy care se muta impreuna
cu mama ei,din insorita Florida intr-un oras
mic din mijlocul pustiului, West
Virginia. Genul acesta de schimbari majore nu au fost
niciodata usoare, iar noul vecin al acesteia ameninta sa ii faca viata si mai
grea. Gemenii Daemon si Dee locuiesc langa ea si…pe cat de draguta, sociabila
si adorabila este Dee, pe atat de intunecat,
irascibil, arogant si 100% irezistibil este fratele ei. Dap, Daemon este exact
tipul acela de personaj pe care il iubesti si il urasti in acelasi timp fiindca
stii ca nu intotdeauna gandeste ceea ce spune.
“Beautiful face. Beautiful body. Horrible attitude. It was the holy
trinity of hot boys.””
Relatia dintre el si Kat este ca un rollercoaster, plina
de suisuri si coborasuri de la prima la ultima pagina a cartii. Daca uneori ai
proasta impresie ca se vor intelege, Daemon da totul peste cap si cei doi ajung
iarasi la una din nenumaratele certuri. De fapt…daca stau sa ma gandesc, inca
de la prima intalnire s-au certat. Mi-a placut faptul ca protagonista nu a fost
una din acele mironosite, lesinate dupa tipul hot, care nu sunt capabile sa se
apere singure.
“Thanks,” I muttered and added under my breath, “Douchebag.”
He laughed, deep and throaty. “Now that’s not very ladylike, Kittycat.”
I whipped around. “Don’t ever call me that,” I snapped.
“It’s better than calling someone a douchebag, isn’t it?” He pushed out the door. “This has been a stimulating visit. I’ll cherish it for a long time to come.”
Okay. That was it. “You know, you’re right. How wrong of me to call you a douchebag. Because a douchebag is too nice of a word for you,” I said, smiling sweetly. “You’re a dickhead.”
“A dickhead?” he repeated. “How charming.”
I flipped him off.”
He laughed, deep and throaty. “Now that’s not very ladylike, Kittycat.”
I whipped around. “Don’t ever call me that,” I snapped.
“It’s better than calling someone a douchebag, isn’t it?” He pushed out the door. “This has been a stimulating visit. I’ll cherish it for a long time to come.”
Okay. That was it. “You know, you’re right. How wrong of me to call you a douchebag. Because a douchebag is too nice of a word for you,” I said, smiling sweetly. “You’re a dickhead.”
“A dickhead?” he repeated. “How charming.”
I flipped him off.”

“Why are you such an
ass?" The words came out before I could think twice.
"Everyone has to excel at something, right?"
"Well, you're doing a great job.”
"Everyone has to excel at something, right?"
"Well, you're doing a great job.”
Mi-a placut aceasta carte de la prima pana la ultima
pagina. Damon, asa cum am mai spus, te face sa-l iubesti dar in acelasi timp
sa-i dai cu ceva in cap, cand vezi ce prostii poate sa spuna uneori. Momentele
romantice au fost putine, dar puse atat de bine, incat tanjesti intruna sa se
intample ceva frumos. Iar cand ajungi la un fragment de genul asta, pur si
simplu iti doresti sa nu se mai termine.
Un alt aspect care mi-a placut a fost faptul ca
protagonista noastra era bloggerita, iar blogul ei era despre carti. Parca ma
facea sa intru mai usor in pielea personajului, sa ma intreb…”Da’ eu ce-as face
cu un Daemon?”
Avem si actiune, destula, iar daca totusi nu ma credeti…ei
bine, Kat aproape moare de cateva ori deci cartea nu-i o lalaiala. Ar fi
trebuit sa citesc la biologie in timpul in care salivam dupa Daemon, dar n-am
putut sa ma abtin!
Am adorat partea de final, in care erau spune cateva
scene din perspectiva lui. Daca de-a lungul cartii am avut dubii in privinta
sentimentelor lui, acele scene au clarificat totul. Daemon chiar e capabil de
sentimente . Aceasta ultima parte m-a facut sa iubesc si mai mult personajul
asta si sa-l mut printre primii baieti din lista mea. ( Top 10 obsesii din
“But no matter where I went, what I was running from would still be
with me—Kat. She wasn’t just back in the house, in that bed. She was with me
now, inside me. And there was no outrunning that.”
Ma tot intreb…cartea va aparea si la noi? Ar fi frumos,
sunt sigura ca o serie ca asta ar avea mult success.
NOTA: 5/5
3 comentarii:
Parca era vorba ca o sa apara in Romania la Leda sau la Litera. Nu stiu sigur, dar stiu ca era in discutie.
Frumos rau arata , ar trebui sa se publice!!
Abia astept sa apara si la noi :X E foarte frumoasa seria!
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