To want what you’re not supposed to have…
She is only nineteen.
She is his new stepfather’s daughter.
She is still naïve and innocent due to spending the last three years taking care of her sick mother.
But for twenty-four year old Rush Finlay, she is the only thing that has ever been off limits. His famous father’s guilt money, his mother’s desperation to win his love, and his charm are the three reasons he has never been told no.
Blaire Wynn left her small farmhouse in Alabama, after her mother passed away, to move in with her father and his new wife in their sprawling beach house along the Florida gulf coast. She isn’t prepared for the lifestyle change and she knows she’ll never fit into this world. Then there is her sexy stepbrother who her father leaves her with for the summer while he runs off to Paris with his wife. Rush is as spoiled as he is gorgeous. He is also getting under her skin. She knows he is anything but good for her and that he’ll never be faithful to anyone. He is jaded and has secrets Blaire knows she may never uncover but even knowing all of that…
Blaire just may have fallen too far.
She is only nineteen.
She is his new stepfather’s daughter.
She is still naïve and innocent due to spending the last three years taking care of her sick mother.
But for twenty-four year old Rush Finlay, she is the only thing that has ever been off limits. His famous father’s guilt money, his mother’s desperation to win his love, and his charm are the three reasons he has never been told no.
Blaire Wynn left her small farmhouse in Alabama, after her mother passed away, to move in with her father and his new wife in their sprawling beach house along the Florida gulf coast. She isn’t prepared for the lifestyle change and she knows she’ll never fit into this world. Then there is her sexy stepbrother who her father leaves her with for the summer while he runs off to Paris with his wife. Rush is as spoiled as he is gorgeous. He is also getting under her skin. She knows he is anything but good for her and that he’ll never be faithful to anyone. He is jaded and has secrets Blaire knows she may never uncover but even knowing all of that…
Blaire just may have fallen too far.
In ultimul timp am devenit obsedata cu cititul cartilor de
pe telefon. Citesc oriunde, oricand, chiar si cand ar trebui sa invat. Ar
trebui sa mi se confiste telefonul asta! A doua carte pe care am citit-o pe
telefon, dupa Obsidian pe care am iubit-ooo!, a fost “Fallen too far” si
prezinta povestea clasica, fata din orasel mic, pe bune Blaire, ajunge in “lume”,
face cunostiinta cu superbul,minunatul, baiat rau etc etc pe nume Rush si intre
cei doi se aprind scantei. Ea are un trecut tragic, el are proprii demoni,
relatia lor nu ar trebui sa mearga si totusi atractia este 100% existenta.
Povestea poate parea banala, dar eu inca nu posed
capacitatea de a da cu piciorul unei carti cu o astfel de actiune. Sunt pur si
simplu o fana infocata a povestilor de dragoste bad boy-good girl.
Mi-a placut cartea, povestea a fost spusa intr-un mod care
m-a facut sa citesc repede, repede totul si sa ma apuc si de urmatoarea si,
thanks God, nu au fost decat doua. Desi pare plina de clisee, desi te astepti
ca unele lucruri sa se intample, desi exista ceva scene +18 cam dubios descrise,
povestea este chiar captivanta si nu te plictiseste pana la final.
Personajele sunt interesante, chiar daca atitudinea lui Rush
cere pumni cateodata si..sincer gandirea lui ma depaseste pentru ca nu puteam
sa-l inteleg in anumite situatii. Era gen…o lipea pe Blaire de perete, mai avea
putin si ii rupea hainele de pe ea prin telepatie dar spunea “Nuu nu se poate
sa fac asta” “Ar trebui sa pleci” si faze de genul asta. Omule…hotaraste-te ! Momentele
lui de comportament uman si plin de sentimente alterneaza toata cartea cu
fazele in care o ignora pe Blaire, cu altele in care aproape sare pe ea si
altele in care este extrem de posesiv si lesina de gelozie chiar si atunci cand
ea vorbeste cu seful ei.
Si totusi toata atitudinea asta bipolara a lui Rush m-a
facut sa citesc pana la final cartea, fiindca intr-un sfarsit el se schimba, si
devine o alta persoana. I-am tot gasit scuze pe tot parcursul cartii, pentru comportamentul
ala impulsiv. Doar era fiul unui foarte renumit rocker, avea bani sa isi cumpere
pamant pe luna, era superb,frumos, dar avusese o familie cam disfunctionala.
Veti afla mai multe in carte. Nu vreau sa stric magia.
Blaire ca si personaj este draguta, iar toata cartea ea se
chinuie sa fie independenta si sa ii arate si lui Rush asta. Are un trecut
tragic, foarte tragic, putin cam prea dramatic, dar este puternica si nu
renunta asa usor.
Una peste alta mi-a placut cartea, finalul cere pumni, dart
e face sa vrei si volumul doi. V-o recomand daca doriti sa cititi ceva dragut
bazat pe clasica atractie dintre baiatul rau si fata cuminte.
Nota 4/5
2 comentarii:
Pare draguta cartea!
Mi-a placut foarte mult cartea...a fost chiar captivanta...
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