07 februarie, 2013

Concurs Poison by Dejana Vuletic

Heeey lume! Ce-ati spune de un concurs? Cartea se numeste “Poison”, primul volum din trilogia "The Keeper of the light" si Dejana , autoarea ei a fost destuuuul de dulce incat sa fie de acord sa sponsorizeze un concurs. Acesta va fi cel mai simplu concurs pe care l-am organizat pe blog, asa caaaa participati!!! Mai jos aveti descrierea cartii si interviul pe care l-am luat autoarei.
Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faceti este sa lasati un comentariu cu numele vostru si un email la care puteti fi contactati. Optional, pentru sanse in plus, daca le doriti, puteti da like paginii de facebook, follow prin GFC sau Share.
Castigatorul va fi ales prin Random.
Concursul va dura din aceasta seara pana pe 22 Februarie. :D
Thank you Dejana!! >:D<

http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1346166227l/13394049.jpgDescrierea Cartii :

Dessa Ambrose – the normal girl-next-door who yearns for her life to attain meaning – meets the strangely alluring Christopher Calder, who holds the secrets of the past and the keys to all the doors Dessa wishes to open. As she spends more time with Chris, Dessa begins to realize that he isn’t human – or at least not a normal one. His mysterious powers leave Dessa questioning the very foundation of the world she grew up in, and when Chris finally opens the door to Dessa’s future, she finds herself reluctant to walk through it.

As a newly Awakened Keeper – a God in the form of a human with the power to control one of the elements of nature—Dessa learns of her affinity for Light, but as she and her friends try to remember everything from their dark pasts, the evil they knew then has followed them to the present. But unfortunately for them, none of them can remember who that evil might be.

With that evil destroying the bonds that hold them so close to one another, wreaking destruction upon the world, and attempting to claim Dessa’s life at every available turn, Dessa realizes that her true destiny can no longer be avoided.

When it all comes down to it, Dessa must either forfeit herself, her power, and her will to live, or she must give up the lives of the entire world – of those she sought to protect. Can she make the ultimate sacrifice? Or is she just as spineless as the enemy believes her to be?

Interviu :

1.  WWA:      What inspires you? Do you have a special place where you enjoy writing?
DV: Anything can inspire me, really. I could see a gorgeous blue sky and it inspires me, or I could see a baby duck swimming on a lake. The littlest things that give meaning to life are the ones that inspire me to tell my story and let the world hear it. And my favorite place to write would have to be in the courtyard on my college campus. It's so beautiful there with a lake, tall trees, a beautiful view of the sky...I could go on. It's the most amazing, relaxing place
2.   WWA:   We know inspiration can come any time, in any place. Could you tell your fans when and where you had the great idea for your book?
DV: I don't know if this counts, but I was reading one of the short stories I had written in high school (it was about 80 typed pages) which had a similar plot to the finished book I would write throughout the next year or so. While I was reading it, I thought... "How cool would it be to actually make this into a book and show people the awesome world I've created here?" And Voila. Poison was born that day.
3.  WWA:    I heard that sometimes, writers tend to create characters that are more or less based on real-life people. Did you inspire from reality ?
DV: I most certainly do inspire from reality. I know so many interesting people, and I'm gifted with many amazing friends and family members. Modeling my characters after them is my way of immortalizing the bonds we share with one another, and immortalizing that person in a work of fiction that the rest of the world will read some day.
4.  WWA:    Let’s say it’s the end of the world .You have the possibility to only save 3 books. Which books would you save?
DV: Oh gosh. If it's the end of the world, I wouldn't want to save only three books. I'd have to save them all. But if I had to pick three, I would choose The Hunger Games (to make me realize that things could be worse...), Poison (my own book and my baby), and The Edge of Never (the love story that made me squeal for days).
5.   WWA:   When did you first realise you like to write? It’s a passion you had since you were a child or it was something developed during your life?
DV: I think I've always liked it deep down, but I never really acted on it until high school when I was obligated to write things for my English classes. After that, I would write short stories just for fun, and when I had more time in my earlier college years, I expanded my reportoire to writing novels. And I love it so much.
6.   WWA:   Since a lot of us might have a dream of writing their own book someday, what king of advice would you give them?
DV: For any of you out there seeking to write a novel, first let me say this: Congratulations! Not many people act on their desire to do something like this, so the fact that you are doing it is amazing! Second: Don't ever let anyone tell you your work isn't good enough. Have confidence in yourself and in your work, and never give up hope that one day thousands of people will be reading that book to hear what you have to say. And even when the going gets tough, don't throw your project into a smelly old box in the corner. Keep at it. Finish it. Publish it. I did, and I have never once regretted the decision to stick it through to the end. :)
7.   WWA:   Is being a writer what you wish you’ll be for the rest of your life? And…if you could turn back time, would you choose a different life for you? Maybe a different job?
DV: I wish I could simply write novels for the rest of my life, but at this stage, unfortunately, it's not going to pay all the bills. Maybe one day I'll get there, but until then, I've always had a passion for tutoring and helping children learn. If I could turn back time, I don't think I'd change a thing. I love everything the way it is, but it would have been nice to be an actress and take Kristen Stewart's place in Twilight. :P
8.  WWA:    If you could chose one person( someone famous, someone loved, etc.) to read your book and tell you their honest opinion about it, who would that person be?
DV: This is such a tough question. I would probably choose my favorite author to read my book and tell me what she thought about it and how to improve it: Suzanne Collins. Her writing was fantastic in the Hunger Games Trilogy, and I admire her style. Getting her opinion would make me fangirl for days.
9.    WWA:   Since this is the last question, it’ll be one nice and ..”delicious”. If you could turn your book in something you could eat, what would it be?
DV: Ooooh ;) I would probably turn my book into a pumpkin cheesecake with whipped cream on top. I'm a HUGE fan of cheesecake, as my fellow best friend authors Jeremy Chenevert and CJ Cogan would tell you. Seriously, I can't eat enough of that stuff. Which is bad. ;) But I still eat it anyway.

Thank you again Dejana ! Lots of Hugs! :D 

69 de comentarii:

Amelie Glass ☠ spunea...

Simpatică autoarea...şi cartea care e premiu, e scrisă în engleză?

Alexandra spunea...

Dap, este in engleza si autoarea o va trimite castigatorului dupa terminarea concursului. Este paperback. :D

Alexandru spunea...

Baban Alexandru
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cassady spunea...

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Antone Ioana
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bafta tuturor!
super carte;)

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Maria Crunteanu

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Doros Denisa
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TheoRyaMarya spunea...

Nistor Teodora
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Multumim de concurs!!!

Iuliana spunea...

Iuliana Musat

Andreea Ilie spunea...

Ilie Andreea
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Teo spunea...

Nemtanu Teodora
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deea s spunea...

Sabados Andreea

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YuLiAnDrEeA spunea...

Calota Iulia
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Multumim de concurs :)

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natașa spunea...

Nume: Șerban Anca
email: ancuta_serban11@yahoo.com
GFC: Anca

Sincer, nu prea îmi place coperta. Adică, cartea pare foarte interesantă... dar coperta o poate face oricine în photoscape. -_- *Dezamăgire...*

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deci ma pot inscrie daca nu locuiesc in tara?

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Chiar mă gândeam zilele astea că n-am mai citit de mult o carte în engşeză fiindcă am avut tableta stricată şi pt că nu mai am cărţi în engleză necitite în bibliotecă

Anonim spunea...

mereuta elena andreea

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Multumim pentru concurs :)

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Ruxandra Dobre
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Andd D. spunea...

Andreea Stoian
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Sulugiuc Andreea
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Ramona spunea...

ramona88badea@yahoo.com si am dat like cu numele Ramona Badea

Sandy spunea...

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Multumim pentru concurs!:*
Te invit si eu la un concurs pe blogul meu:

Narcisa spunea...

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Urmaresc prin e-mail.

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Cristinab spunea...

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great interview! really like her answers, and your questions.
thx for the giveaway!

~ I still hope !~ spunea...

Nume: Timis Andrada
e-mail: andradatimis@yahoo.com

Hmmm, e prima oara cand aud de ea, deci va fi o provocare :>. Ma bucur ca am avut ocazia sa o descopar :)

Oana spunea...

Oana Rogobete

Sa vedem ce iese...

Andreea spunea...

Andreea Teca

Anonim spunea...

Alina Surugiu

Csoka Eugen spunea...

Csoka Eugen

Lost For Words spunea...

Buna, ai afisat cumva castigatorul?